Quality and Certification

industry associations

Global Windows and Doors manufactures fenestration products in accordance with national building codes and certifications. With our many glass options you can meet and exceed Natural Resources Canada’s “Energy Star” requirements and all products are tested to North American Fenestration Standards (NAFS). In addition, all insulated glass units are manufactured to strict specifications meeting the Insulated Glass Manufacturers Association Canada’s (IGMAC) requirements.

These certifications and strict guidelines coupled with Global Windows and Door’s quality assurance manufacturing processes protect your investment and ensure years of energy efficient comfort for your home.

Energy Star

air movement created by cold glass surfaces and air leaking windows reduces your home's Comfort. global windows provide warmer glass Surfaces and air tight seals

Fenestration Canada

Interior condensation on windows often occurs in the winter when the warm air inside the house condenses on the cold windows. our energy efficient windows reduce interior condensation

Keystone Certifications

air movement created by cold glass surfaces and air leaking windows reduces your home's Comfort. global windows provide warmer glass Surfaces and air tight seals